Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Garden

It's my birthday tomorrow- but John took me out a day early to buy flowers for my garden.  His gift to me.  It doesn't take much to blow a budget on flowers (and ironically, dirt-- which is even more expensive), so I tried to focus on perennials that will come up year after year... but in the end I came home with three annuals and two perennials.  It's a start.

There's so little, yet so much to choose from.  Most places around here sell the same old thing: petunias, impatiens, begonias and marigolds.  I'm not a fan of any of 'em.  We eventually found a nursery about a half hour from here with more variety.

Black-Eyed Susans

Joshua picked this one out.  I love geraniums.  They are so quaint.  My photography makes it ugly.

I looked everywhere for a Black-Eyed Susan Vine last year.  This year was more successful.

I was also excited to find Million Bell Petunias.  Though they are both a petunia and an annual, I do like these ones because the flowers are smaller and they bloom more profusely.  They flower all spring, all summer, and all fall.  

Some of my Four O'Clocks from last summer reseeded themselves and John transplanted them for me.

I didn't get a picture of the mini-geranium ground-cover-like flower.

I love dirt.  And flowers.  Growing things.  Being out in the sunshine.  Over time, I'd like me a big, big garden.  But that's my mini-start.


Caleigh said...

I love your garden Ashley! How fun! My garden currently consists of a small, portable planter, with cilantro and oregano seeds planted, waiting to come up. :) Someday, I'd love to have a wee bit bigger garden, but it's fun for now! :)

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful!!

your birthday post is fabulous! Sounds like an interesting way to wake up. I LOVE Starbucks. Have you tried their frappachino's?? I get mine without the coffee (cause coffee is gross), so yummy!!